Our Vision Forward

Where there is no vision, there is no hope. ~ George Washington Carver

Who We Want To Be

A Church Of Transformed Disciples

Known In The City For How Well We Equip Families And Parents

Send 35+ People To The Mission Field Every Year

How We Get There

  1. We provide Christ-centered, meaningful pathways for disciples to grow and multiply, helping us all become more like Christ and renew the world around us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Our Pathway: Growth TrackBaptism → Team 210 → Membership
  3. All members are challenged to invite 1 person to Growth Track each year.
  4. We continue to take our Bible teaching seriously by continuing the education of our leadership, providing high level resources to our church family, and addressing key cultural topics to remain relevant to our community. See past sermons right here.
  5. We encourage people to become a member of our church family. We have adopted the phrase, We Care For You; We Count On You. By this we mean we treat our church membership like a family that deeply cares after one another, but also depends on the contribution of each individual to make the body better. See more in our Church Covenant.
  1. We strive for an excellent kid & teen program that strategically develops kids in their relationship with God, their families, and others. We want to be known for good programs for kids & teens.
  2. We provide workshops, seminars, and mentorship opportunities that are tailored towards families. This includes bringing in experts and pouring our resources into equipping parenting, marriages, education, finances, and how to raise kids in an online world. See our church calendar for Upcoming Events!
  3. We develop a Family Resource Center that is a one-stop shop to equip parents and develop leaders to engage kids with the gospel and to offer them the opportunity for future success. This includes tutoring, counseling, mentorship, and free resources.
  1. We will accomplish this by providing a clear outline for our yearly mission efforts, hosting missionaries we support to inform us of their work, and providing clear on-ramps for those interested in going on mission. See the mission efforts we support and send people on through our Mission Partnership with DiscipleTrips!
  2. We will increase our visibility in community activities and partnerships. This will be reflected in an increased involvement in community activities (parades, community gatherings, etc.) and in furthering partnerships with local businesses (OneBlood, the Source, Buggy Bunch, etc.).
  3. We believe our focus on kingdom growth is partly reflected in the way we value our facilities and the guests' experience with us each week. With that in mind, we will be taking on various renovation projects for our “key areas” of high traffic.